Corydoras eggs - Fertile or not?


New Member
Mar 11, 2024
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Hi all,

My Peppered Corys have spawned a load of eggs, it happened on Sunday.
I have been debating what to do with them, take them out, leave them in, and so on.

If what I have read is right, most of these look fertile, only 2 have gone white.
Should I remove the two white ones and leave the others?
I am guessing they are close to hatching as they are about 3/4 days old now.

Sorry for the blurry image, its hard to focus on them.

Thanks 😊

The white ones are infertile, the others have babies developing in them. Leave them alone and see how many survive.
A lot of corys will eat their eggs. Although I was never much for spawning them I did get eggs sometimes. I usually pulled them to hatch elsewhere. I used to drop one of the java moss covered rocks or scraps of wood from established tanks into the hatching tank to provide infusoria once they went free swimming.

The only thing cuter than a cory fry is a pleco fry, imo.
White are usually infertile, but if any of your paleatum have albinism in their genes, you can get surprise albino fry and their eggs will remain white until hatching as well.


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