Mystery algae on tubing


New Member
Feb 16, 2024
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Hi! So I have clear tubing in my fish tank for the filter and also the air stone. Over the last week this red ish pink slime or algae or something grew on it. I’ve dont tons of research and can’t find anything on it. Does anyone happen to know what it is and what causes it? Is it harmful to my fish. I figured it might be something to do with maybe the type of material the tube is, or maybe since it’s clear the light causes things to grow faster? Oh I just bought a different type of tubing that is black so I’m gonna see if that makes a difference.
I get this pinkish buildup which stains the lower part of the shower curtain that touches the inside of the tub when in use. It also collects over time on my bathtub spout and shower head and in the water jets. I bleach the shower curtain every so often. I use a cleaner to get the water jets clean. I put the bathtub shower head in Lime-a-way or CLR, and also use that and a wirebrush to clean the tub spout.

I've seen white suction cups used in some of my aquaruims that turn pink. Not sure if that is the same thing or not.

I think this is called Serratia Marcescens. Not saying that is what is on your tubing just giving out a guess.

I've had black spots show up on the tubing I used to clean my aquaruims and I think that is mold or something. Not sure if I can do anything about it. I only really use it to empty the tanks, but it is my python tubing so would be nice to get it cleaned.

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