Next phase of my project "tuxedo silverado endler".


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Sep 13, 2016
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I wrote a while ago about my project to create a tuxedo silverado endler hybrid strain. Meanwhile, time has passed and the project is progressing nicely just as I expected it to be. I was aiming on a grey body, black torso, black dorsal, red swords, silvery head and chest.
This is how my males from the first attempts looked like:
And now I've refined the phenotype to this:
They have become smaller in size and have more the endler phenotype. The first attempts were more guppy in appearance.
I prefer the top male with the blue in the tail and black edges to the tail. Nice fish tho :)
I wanted to proceed the endler phenotype. Btw, it's not blue but green. One of the first guppies I've used for this project was the moscow green guppy. The caudal penducle does show that. The top photo shows still more guppy phenotype.
how about making a green guppy?
That's possible. But not easy. We already have the green moscow. But most green moscows have a blue gene.
Here's an illustration I've made of the available monochrome guppies:

These are the most ideal monochrome guppies there are. Most monochrome guppies that are offered through retail are not that well intense colored like these. For instance, moscow green males that are offered through retail, are more bluish than green. Commercial bred purple moscows are more bluish than purple.
Where can i get that green one from, I like it?
Specifically, from breeders who breed green moscows in the higher segment. For commercial bred ones show more blue as being green moscows.
how about making a green guppy?
I'm currently trying to create a green endler hybrid. I've done it before by using black bar endlers and asian blue guppies. But now I'm trying to create a green endler hybrid with some black tones.

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