What is this cichlid that has bumblebee stripes? And the red fish with blue blotches, is that a peacock cichlid or is it a hybrid cichlid?
What is Psuedotropheus crabro?Pseudotropheus crabro
Aulonocara species, not sure what sort
the yellow bumble bee fish. its a rift lake cichlid from lake malawiWhat is Psuedotropheus crabro?
Public holiday today. No schoolthe yellow bumble bee fish. its a rift lake cichlid from lake malawi
why are you on the internet during school hours?
Labour day.what public holiday?
Hmm... I do understand that.Fair enough, public holidays are not something I normally bother about due to being on a pension. One day is the same as the next for me.
Youtube video.Where did you get these photos?
the yellow bumble bee fish. its a rift lake cichlid from lake malawi
why are you on the internet during school hours?
Very funny.Busted!
Very funny.