New lid


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorks
Now you might think that a new lid is not a big deal but I’m amazed by how much I love it. It’s custom made for my 1200 open top in three sections out of 10mm acrylic. It replaces my jump guard which was quite scruffy and hard to manipulate on the big tank it kept the fish in but nothing for evaporation which this new one does. It just looks so neat too! I got it made with cut outs for my plants too and for the empty ones I’ve got the infill too.

Looks great with the tank and fits really well. Are you thinking of adding more plants for those gaps?
That's a great look, I might go for something like that in the future.
Looks great with the tank and fits really well. Are you thinking of adding more plants for those gaps?
I’m hoping too but not sure what yet I like the peace Lilly’s as they grow up but most plants that do well in water are vines that would end up sitting on the cover. On one of my other tanks I have a net mesh on the wall for stuff to grow up but not sure that’s right for this room.
I’m hoping too but not sure what yet I like the peace Lilly’s as they grow up but most plants that do well in water are vines that would end up sitting on the cover. On one of my other tanks I have a net mesh on the wall for stuff to grow up but not sure that’s right for this room.
My monstera droops into the water when I remove the lid on mine. I used stainless steel wire and hooked it around the stems and onto the back of the tank. Not had it in the water since ;) I have a peace lily in a pot at the moment how well does it do in your tank? Can see from the pics that the root system is insane!
I love me a lid or a hood. The open tops do look nice especially when there's greenery growing out of them but it's just not practical in my experience. If it's not fish and shrimp jumping out it's the evaporation and ugly water marks on the glass...not to mention the increased humidity and eventual mould growing in the room.

That glass is beautifully made, I'm assuming you'll feed the tank from the gaps at the back?
I love me a lid or a hood. The open tops do look nice especially when there's greenery growing out of them but it's just not practical in my experience. If it's not fish and shrimp jumping out it's the evaporation and ugly water marks on the glass...not to mention the increased humidity and eventual mould growing in the room.

That glass is beautifully made, I'm assuming you'll feed the tank from the gaps at the back?
So far I'm using the finger hole at the front which seems like it will work - I feed quite a fine pellet so no problem really. I know what you mean about the ugly side of rimless tanks but I think when they are in their best its worth it :) I've found a sponge scrubber from Dennerle that is amazing at taking off the hard water marks its seemingly just wire wool on a natural sponge but it is much better than anything else I've ever tried.

Sweet. 10mm is quite thick, not a cheap thing to source I suspect.👍
No... it was not cheap... just under £200 including delivery but thats custom made from my drawings. The way it has been made to allow the rim around the edge I'm wondering if it would be possible to make it out of 5mm and sandwich two pieces together. I think this one has been done like that with a 3mm sheet and a 10mm sheet. But not sure if 2x 5mm would be as strong as I want to avoid them bowing - the middle piece just attaches front and back so if it had any flex in it, it would sag in the middle.


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