What happened to my vampire crabs?


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score
United States
Hello! I've had my vampire crab paludarium running for a while now, and some animals just disappeared like my mystery snail and shrimps, but I think that is because of bad water conditions in the start. The crabs seem to be more resilient and can just go on land if water is bad.

Now I can confirm the water conditions are fine. the springtails multiply a lot, and copepods and daphnia are swimming around in the water.

However, I have not seen my vampire crabs for around 1-2 weeks now, and I am wondering how to tell if I have dead crabs or if they're still alive. There's no weird smell coming from the tank either.
I'm also wondering what types of shrimp or snails I can keep in a colder water blackwater setup?
update: I just saw one of them poking their legs out in the moss, but when I went back 5 minutes later it was gone...
How am I supposed to feed them? I think they can definitely survive with the moss and rotting leaves but I'd like to give them some bloodwomrs once in a while
You can feed them on bottom feeding pellets or any sort of fish, shrimp or fish food. Have an open area in the front and put the food there so you can check them when they come out to feed.
You can feed them on bottom feeding pellets or any sort of fish, shrimp or fish food. Have an open area in the front and put the food there so you can check them when they come out to feed.
oh okay, I just leave them a bit of food and they will come to find it themselves?
I am intrigued as to what these and the tank are like, it sounds cool

Any pics?
I am intrigued as to what these and the tank are like, it sounds cool

Any pics?
Hi! I'd love to show you some pictures, I'll get on my phone and send them here!
A little bit of a mold problem, but other than that it's nice!
brilliant looking forward to them
Hello! I've had my vampire crab paludarium running for a while now, and some animals just disappeared like my mystery snail and shrimps, but I think that is because of bad water conditions in the start. The crabs seem to be more resilient and can just go on land if water is bad.

Now I can confirm the water conditions are fine. the springtails multiply a lot, and copepods and daphnia are swimming around in the water.

However, I have not seen my vampire crabs for around 1-2 weeks now, and I am wondering how to tell if I have dead crabs or if they're still alive. There's no weird smell coming from the tank either.
I'm also wondering what types of shrimp or snails I can keep in a colder water blackwater setup?
Just out of curiosity, can the crabs catch and eat the springtails, copepods, or daphnia?
Just out of curiosity, can the crabs catch and eat the springtails, copepods, or daphnia?
i bet they could! I think they'd have a better chance catching shrimp and snails (which is probably why there's no more of them in the tank)
because these bugs are super small.
Thats an ace set up. Be cool with the crabs visible in there :)
Thats an ace set up. Be cool with the crabs visible in there :)
thanks! I saw one of the crabs yesterday and left a bloodworm there. he ate it right when the lights were off and returned to his cave!

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