New Member
Please ignore my biofilm covered cholla wood i took my crs out of here a few weeks ago, But i think this is african/congo fern (Bolbitus Heudelotii) and im quite new to keeping it but i have a few stems/leaves that started looking like this, i have a few leaves that are almost pinched at the stem of a few clipping and while the plants rhizome is fine i started noticing something that seemed like bio film but hade too much of straight uniform strands, eventually i noticed the leaves having small shoots with roots dropping from the leaf like shown in photo (im aware the photo is pretty shoddy) but is this typical of this plant? I counted the small shoots with roots and theres like 9 or 10 of them, My other question is how would i go about separating these from the stem that is pinched and brown towards the rhizome. I know once separated the leaves take FOREVER to start rotting and i mean it ive had a leaf from this guy break off and be stuck inbetween my hardscape for about 2 months and it hasnt even started to lose color or melt. Im highly doubtful a leaf that has been removed from the rhizome can grow a new one on its own. Any answers are helpful i know my questions are scattered