Aquariums in movies and tv shows

The movie was made in 1931 and released in 1932.
’fraid not . That particular movie was made in 1958 . It is black and white which may be why you think so but Frankenstein 1970 is definitely a 1958 release . The 1970 part was to indicate a far flung future but the years cancelled that out .
Breaking Bad, season one episode 4.


Seems a little steep.
More Breaking Bad. Season 2 episode 4. I've been rewatching the series.

Jesse's aquarium.

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There's no way anything except algae is living in there. I feel like this is an artistic choice for Jesse's character arc.
Oh yeah. That's a perfect representation of Jesse's character, especially at the beginning. It's been ages since I watched Breaking Bad, but I should give it a rewatch at some point. Kudos to the directors and/or set designers for this artistic choice! It's really on point.
Oh yeah. That's a perfect representation of Jesse's character, especially at the beginning. It's been ages since I watched Breaking Bad, but I should give it a rewatch at some point. Kudos to the directors and/or set designers for this artistic choice! It's really on point.
Especially given what happens to him in the episode
He ends up homeless and covered in filth.
One worth checking out! I've been putting on this show often for cleaning and organising motivation. Just need to watch the first couple of minutes, and you'll see a tank in the 'living room'.

The house is an unholy disaster. But the tank looks, at first glance, surprising healthy and clean! Looks as though someone is maintaining it anyway. Which is surprising when you see the disaster all around it, makes the tank stand out even more. Usually in these shows it's a long dead tank covered in evaporated waterlines and filthy, with a few inches of filthy water still left at the bottom, but long since fish have gone, and tank has just been left rather than cleaned out.

This one had me and my daughter fairly upset 😂😂 This guy needs to rethink his fish tank maintenance routine...


I've been rewatching an old favorite, Homicide: Life On The Streets, since it came to streaming.
One episode, the murder victim had a fish in a bag in his possession when he was killed. The evidence guy doesn't want to take it into evidence. He tells Detective Munch to flush it. Munch doesn't have the heart so he gives it to his on again, off again ex who has a 50 gallon aquarium.
It turns out to be a Jack Dempsey and kills all her other fish. He says $4000 worth.
I have questions. What did she put in a 50 that adds up to that much? Why would she just throw a random fish in without knowing what it is? Jack Dempseys aren't an uncommon fish. How could a fish keeper not recognize one?
Well cnsider this. When we see shows where somebody shoots a bear, deer, or any other anuimal they are pretty much dead instantly. One the other hand where folks catch fish they yank it out of the water and it flops around for a while. Maybe they put it into a built in container with water. Maybe they hit it on the head to kill it or maybe is just suffers until it dies.

Yes some fisher folks catch and release. Nut most do not as far as I can tell.

This might tell us all we need know about this subject and what folks think about fish v.s. animals with fur or feathers.

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