They come from a country that has suffered like we can barely imagine, through the Belgian colony period to the brutal dictatorship when it was Zaire, then a succession of wars and more wars. For long periods, there was no fish exporting, and the fish from there were forgotten in the hobby. There are parts of the Congo I would love to see, but it wouldn't be worth my life. Even for local people, fish collecting can be hazardous.
The Democratic Republic of Congo should be rich, but the wealth goes elsewhere and the infrastructure is awful. Delicate fish have to transported by boat in many cases. This means, for us, that there are gems in those woods, and no one goes to get them. fantastique take some travel to get to, and are way too expensive for me. As social tetras, they should be in groups of ten, and that can set you back hundreds. They have a rep as fish that can die if you cough in the next room, and the combination has scared me off.
There was a huge importation of DRC tetras here years ago, and the things I saw... I had one tetra of great beauty that lived 8 years. I had to send photos to an Ichthyologist at a major museum just to get a tentative identification of what it might be. The number of fish species that come out of that country where no one outside of their region even has a name for them is surprising. A lot of aquarists think we know the beautiful, marketable species - we have only scratched the surface.
You have decided to go where very few aquarists go - into a world of really unknown, often unbred in captivity fish. You've got more African tetras than 99.999% of aquarists in history.
No pressure!