Does this look like a healthy tank?


New Member
Jan 5, 2024
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Placerville, Ca
Hi! This is my first fish tank, it’s a heavily planted 7 gallon, and for stocking I have some snails, 2 ghost shrimp, and 10 phoenix and strawberry Rasbora. I feed them everyday a little pinch of fish flakes, and about 1-2 times a week I give them brine shrimp.

I have had this tank setup for about a month, and was wondering if everything looks healthy. Looks healthy and the fish are thriving, only fish I’ve lost was one that jumped out of the tank, which I fixed by cutting a screen to size to fit the top. The plants seem to be doing good, and for the substrate I have regular fish gravel with some fluval stratum mixed in, but just ordered root tabs because some of the plants started loosing leaves, but the plants are constantly growing. Is this something I should be worried about?

Looking at it from an experienced fish keepers perspective;

Does it look healthy?

Is there anything that anyone recommends changing about the tank etc…?



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Looks good from the pictures! Sometimes new plants do go through a melt so that may be what you're experiencing. Do you test your water parameters? As you have floating plants some liquid fertiliser may be good to have on hand as well.
Looks good from the pictures! Sometimes new plants do go through a melt so that may be what you're experiencing. Do you test your water parameters? As you have floating plants some liquid fertiliser may be good to have on hand as well.
Yeah, I will buy some liquid fertilizer. I also tested my water parameters and everything is right where it needs to be.

Thank you!!
Might be good to elevate the light if possible. I don't think the floaters at the sides will get enough light. Looks a bit dark towards the edges.

Personal preference but I trim the roots on my lettuce because I don't like it going all the way to the bottom.
To be honest, 1 month after any setup will look "healthy" anyway.
Next few months will show you directions it's going.
Next few years will show you how you're doing.

Does this look like a healthy tank?​

Only by looking at those photos I need to say that it looks healthy. One of the references is the length of the roots of those floaters. Btw, it's very interesting decorated.
Hi! This is my first fish tank, it’s a heavily planted 7 gallon, and for stocking I have some snails, 2 ghost shrimp, and 10 phoenix and strawberry Rasbora. I feed them everyday a little pinch of fish flakes, and about 1-2 times a week I give them brine shrimp.

I have had this tank setup for about a month, and was wondering if everything looks healthy. Looks healthy and the fish are thriving, only fish I’ve lost was one that jumped out of the tank, which I fixed by cutting a screen to size to fit the top. The plants seem to be doing good, and for the substrate I have regular fish gravel with some fluval stratum mixed in, but just ordered root tabs because some of the plants started loosing leaves, but the plants are constantly growing. Is this something I should be worried about?

Looking at it from an experienced fish keepers perspective;

Does it look healthy?

Is there anything that anyone recommends changing about the tank etc…?

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Interesting scape, plants looks healthy accept for the red on your alternanthera Reineckii which requires recommended CO2 and nutrients. I would agree on raising the light higher as your hardscape is obstructing photosynthesis and distribution of equal lumens of light.
Looks amazeballs to me matey, well done 👍🏻

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