Regional tanks… what can go in with Congo tetras

I have Distochodus in miniature - 2 species of Neolebias. I have been told the larger ones can be nippy, or beyond just nippy.

I had fasciolatus barbs once, sold as "Angola barbs". I got them in London while travelling, and have never seen them on offer in North America. I thought they were fantastic fish. A lot of African barbs get pretty big and featureless, but those were great fish.
Adding my 3 Lily of the Nile. today, they got held up in shipping over the holiday, but looking good today…. Just stripped the roots in preparation to go in the hanging pots with the ceramic bio media


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3 in the tank….
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will probably have to trim them before they bloom, unless I can bend around the blooming stems ( lack of space )

Going to look for a wire or ??? To hold up the middle plant out of the water… it has a natural bend… I’m sure it will straighten up, if I can hold it out of the water
Used a piece of 3/8 inch white plumbing pex pipe cut to length…. Worked perfect for temporary
Physical layout doesn’t lie on the African glass cats… so I was originally looking for something to replace the Cory’s in my African river tank… I bought 4 African glass cats, and they actually hang out at the surface, under the shade of the water lettuce… a study of the fish would have hinted that…. They all have thin mustache’s that point upwards, rather than downward pointing traditional catfish barbels… so these guys must use them for searching the under surface of floating plants for food, in the wild… I like them, but replacements for Cory’s, they are not…
I’ve not moved the Cory’s yet, but suspect I have enough critters working the bottom, that I don’t need to add anyone new.
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New phone… trying out the new camera… one of my Blood Cap Moon Tetras
My one yellow tail male… not mature yet
A quick group photo, with the new camera
got 3 "fantasic's" arriving this Thursday... weather is supposed to start warming up, after this last blizzard
They are delaying the shipping of my order of "fantastic's", because of the weather where they are coming from, so now they are going to ship them out next Monday, for arrival here, next Tuesday

Looks like I’m losing the runt gold blue eye… it hasn’t fattened up at all, and can’t hold with the current in the tank tonight… it’s too bad, but I have 3 that are all doing well, and that one has never come along from the start, it didn’t look like it was going to make it
Wish I could take better pictures, these “Fantastic’s” are starting to color up… bodies still an orange color, but with what looks similar to a giant danio pattern in blue or turquoise underneath, and today I noticed the center of the tail, which is a dark red/ burgundy, is getting a bright electric blue/ silver, right where the tail joins the body…. It almost seems to “light up” as it’s most noticeable, when in the shade of the floating plants…. I only notice the blue on the tail, on 2 of the 3, right now… so I’m not sure if that’s a male trait, or the other is just not as mature… on this picture there are 2 or m the center, in a “V” pattern… if you can zoom this one has the “tail light” and the other doesn’t

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