Strange grey color to the water

My current test strips just do Nitrate & Nitrites, & those have been stable, & normal... I have 2 - 10" air bars, one on each side... so there is plenty of aeration... I have some ammonia only test strips coming next week, but with as sparce as the fish are i9n this tank, there is very low bio load

the hang on tank filter, an Aquaclear 70, is seasoned... I have not cleaned it, as it's seasoned & flowing normally... the media on those is a coarse foam, & a pack of ceramic media for bacteria to grow on...

I typically do houseplants grown hydroponically, with hang on pots, in the aquariums... none in this tank yet... been trying not to over feed, & with diminishing residents feed level has been reduced greatly...
I made up a dam to protect the filter, and added some more red root floaters, but they came in today looking very poorly, maybe too hot where they shipped, or got exposed to heat in transit… it’s questionable whether they will make it or not… will see what they look like in a couple days… adding the floater’s won’t change my plans for the gravel… was just hoping they might get the tank going in the right direction…

It’s got long roots, but not red, and the leaves are a mix of green and yellow…
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Another dead glo fish today… not sure if that’s related to the current conditions, or cumulative conditions from 6 months in the bad water, before I started adding the RO????
Still cloudy today…
Currently there are 6 purple, and 2 orange… 1 orange doesn’t look good of the glo fish left… it’s been the smallest ones that I’ve been losing… of both the purple and orange… the orange have been in the tank about 6 months, the purple about 9 months…

There is also a pair of Oto’s that seem normal, and 6 Cory’s that have been doing well… there were some Pom Pom crabs… a half dozen to start, and their numbers have dwindled, there may be still 1 left, and I think 2 of the original 3 orange dwarf crayfish…

A couple pictures from today
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The tank next to it today, clear as can be…wish I could figure this out
the small orange glofish is skinny and either has intestinal worms or gill flukes, or both. deworm them. see section 3 of the following link for deworming fish.
Well my tank was almost clear this morning… but my new sand / gravel just came ( it’s kind of a coarse rounded grain sand ) so I was using a 3/4 inch hose to syphon out the old gravel out of one half of the tank, when I noticed if the hose was tight against a slit in the under gravel filter plate huge amounts of loose grey stuff was sucked out from underneath under the plate… I’m guessing the newly added power heads were pulling some of that grey stuff up the lift tubes… so while the plate was free of the old gravel, I gave each slit a good sucking until it quit coming out… then added the new sand to the clean half of the filter plate… next side, same thing tomorrow… I’ve not lost anymore fish since last post…
Takes a lot of water to syphon out the gravel, and the slits in the plate... 25 more gallons tonight starting to get close but water is much clearer, until I put more new gravel in..
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Just have 1 little corner of green to remove, when I ran out of RO again… tomorrow for sure… still don’t know where the grey color comes from… I’ve pulled out the under gravel filter plates before, and never run into that… still a little here, but most of the cloudiness is from adding the new gravel
The cloudy water is now probably from dust from the gravel. It should settle in a week or so. Wipe the inside of the glass down because it settles on the glass and makes the water look cloudy, even when it's not.
Haven’t gotten that last little corner of green out, and about 1/3 of a bag of new gravel left to go in… but it’s starting to look better
I think it’s gone… still haven’t seen anything like it….

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