Birthing molly help please


New Member
Oct 6, 2023
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So to give a bit of background we purchased two male balloon mollies from Pets at Home. It soon became clear that we'd been given a male and female, especially when the female gave birth!

We have previously only managed to rescue one or two fry from the tank, due to poor timing and the eagerness of larger fish. We now have no larger fish and her latest birth 2 days ago caught us off guard!! We rescued a lot of fry into the fry tank through fear of them getting eaten but the ones that have remained in the tank are also getting on just fine.

Despite the small matter of now having 50+ fry (at my estimate!) we are a little concerned for the main birthing female. She is occasionally excreting pale clouds (not fry), is this normal during birthing? She is also almost constantly being pestered by the main male molly and we don't know if we should try to separate her or if that will cause her more stress. We only have a small tank (37 litres) so space is rather limited.

Pics of fry for proof of numbers :lol:

Thanks tempImagesqr0fn.pngtempImage9EkbV2.png
She is occasionally excreting pale clouds (not fry), is this normal during birthing?
That's normal. Not every female molly will do that after birthing but some do. But nothing to be worried about.

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