What kind of algae is this?


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Oct 18, 2022
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Does anyone know what kind of algae this is? Also maybe the implications this algae says about the health of my tank? Just curious! :)


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Black brush algae, though it doesn't really matter as any species of what I call "problem" algae is caused by, and solved by, the same thing. It is due to an imbalance of light and nutrients. Stopping it from increasing is the goal, and that is achieved (in planted tanks) by re-establishing the balance.

Data on your light is needed. Intensity/type, and spectrum (this looks pretty good, so likely not the issue). But duration might be--the light can only be on if all nutrients are available for the plants to use, otherwise algae has an advantage. How long is the tank light on? And room light, especially in summer, also factors in.

As for nutrients, some come from the fish being fed, and water changes. Sometimes we need to supplement these. So are you using any fertilizers?

Usually not a problem at such minimal levels, but if the imbalance is there as it has to be, it obviously can get much worse and quickly.
Black brush algae, though it doesn't really matter as any species of what I call "problem" algae is caused by, and solved by, the same thing. It is due to an imbalance of light and nutrients. Stopping it from increasing is the goal, and that is achieved (in planted tanks) by re-establishing the balance.

Data on your light is needed. Intensity/type, and spectrum (this looks pretty good, so likely not the issue). But duration might be--the light can only be on if all nutrients are available for the plants to use, otherwise algae has an advantage. How long is the tank light on? And room light, especially in summer, also factors in.

As for nutrients, some come from the fish being fed, and water changes. Sometimes we need to supplement these. So are you using any fertilizers?

Usually not a problem at such minimal levels, but if the imbalance is there as it has to be, it obviously can get much worse and quickly.
Thank you for the reply!

I’m not quite sure the intensity of the light, I use the Aqueon Optibright Max. Turns on (white light and rgb lights) at 7:30 am, lights dim at 7:30/off at 8 and blue lights from 8-10. (To mimic moonlight) - also yes I know it’s on for quite awhile but I love seeing the tank when I get home from work 😭. I use root tabs with iron every few months as well as flourish liquid fertilizer. I was hoping my snails/loaches would eat it but I suppose it’s not something they’re interested in 😭😂
With one or two exceptions, no "algae" eating fish will touch "problem" algae. And the exceptions get huge, need at minimum a 4-foot tank, a group, and can be mildly feisty over time. Much safer to deal with it.

I think one issue is definitely the long duration of the photoperiod. I would reduce this down to 8 and see if the algae increases--and that is the aim, to not have it increase on plants. This is still a good period, and you can use a time to have the "daylight" at any continuous period during the day. When I was working, the tank lights came on around 1 pm, and went out at 8 pm. As long as you use a timer, and the photoperiod is continuous, no problem. If this doesn't stop the algae, reducing to seven is an option. I would not go below six.

Reduce the moon periods, no more than an hour at either end. These can advantage algae which is not so fussy, but plants cannot use this light.

If the Flourish is the Flourish Comprehensive Supplement for the Planted Aquarium, fine, but except for the Tabs don't use any of the other Flourish products. What tabs...iron is known to cause problem algae, and it can harm plants if overdosed, it is just a micro-nutrient. The Flourish Tabs are excellent though, they do not leech into the water so that thwarts algae like this stuff. In both Flourish products I named, all nutrients are proportionally-balanced and this is important. Some nutrients in excess can cause certain plants to shut down assimilation of other nutrients, and iron is one that does this.
Thank you for the reply!

I’m not quite sure the intensity of the light, I use the Aqueon Optibright Max. Turns on (white light and rgb lights) at 7:30 am, lights dim at 7:30/off at 8 and blue lights from 8-10. (To mimic moonlight) - also yes I know it’s on for quite awhile but I love seeing the tank when I get home from work 😭. I use root tabs with iron every few months as well as flourish liquid fertilizer. I was hoping my snails/loaches would eat it but I suppose it’s not something they’re interested in 😭😂

I have that same light. I really like it. I had really bad algae growth in my 37 gallon tank. I had to pull decor and clean it often as it kept growing. We bough a couple shrimp that eat it though. I don't think it is the same algae you are dealing with though. The biggest thing I picked up on was the length of light. My wife loves the light on all the time except for when we go to bed. It was a near debate since she didn't want to listen to lessening the light time. I just started shutting it off earlier and noticed a huge improvement. Shrimp took care of a lot of it and it hasn't been growing back the same. I'd even get a ton of green on the glass. In the newer 75gallon tank, I have just a bit from the last tank, but no new growth nor any on the glass. I bought that same light and utilized the timer so the light would have to turn off. it kicks on at 6:30am and starts shutting off at 6pm with blue light starting from 6:00pm to 7pm.

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