If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Well, good news and bad news, when I got home last night I learned that my sweet boy Cage had died while I was gone
He was a petstore betta, so I don't know how old he was when I got him, but I will miss that little guy
Also when I went out to my fishroom, I had to do a double take at my marble delta, he has completely changed colors in four days! When I left he was mostly white with some turq marble, now he's about half and half but the marbling is royal blue! He looks gorgeous
Annnnnnnnnd, my latest Wal-Mart rescue Jack the Ripper II has new growth on his fins and is very active, I was worried about him too, but he definately seems to be on the up and up
My new bettas come this afternoon, so I'm just scurrying around trying to get tanks ready I may do pictures tonight depending on how stressed out they are...may have to wait till I get home from Lake Tahoe on Sunday. Gawl, I am a busy girl
Here's Cage in all his glory and bubbles
He was a petstore betta, so I don't know how old he was when I got him, but I will miss that little guy
Also when I went out to my fishroom, I had to do a double take at my marble delta, he has completely changed colors in four days! When I left he was mostly white with some turq marble, now he's about half and half but the marbling is royal blue! He looks gorgeous
Annnnnnnnnd, my latest Wal-Mart rescue Jack the Ripper II has new growth on his fins and is very active, I was worried about him too, but he definately seems to be on the up and up
My new bettas come this afternoon, so I'm just scurrying around trying to get tanks ready I may do pictures tonight depending on how stressed out they are...may have to wait till I get home from Lake Tahoe on Sunday. Gawl, I am a busy girl
Here's Cage in all his glory and bubbles