I got my betta Luna about 3 weeks ago, and she's been eating and swimming perfectly fine. About 5 days ago I noticed that she was hiding and not eating as much, but after a few days she got better. Now this morning she is hiding in her plants a lot, and breathing really heavily, and resting on plant leaves a lot. Also, I'll attach a picture but her scales might be pine coning a little bit. Is this dropsy? What should I do? I was thinking maybe adding some aquarium salt? I dont know what to do with her because I've never had fish with dropsy, and I don't want her to suffer. She also seems bloated even though she hasn't benn eating. What causes dropsy? My parameters are perfect ( 0, 0, 5), and the ghost shrimp and snails that are in there are healthy and breeding. It is a 5 gallon heavily planted.
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