Help me stock my tank!


New Member
Jun 10, 2023
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United States
37 gallon tank
I want non aggressive fish in a community. Around 3 inches? I don't really want tetras they're too small.
The number you need is 133 mg/l which fishkeeping calls ppm. It converts to 7.7 dH for those who prefer that unit of measurement.
Soft water but at the upper end - avoid fish which need very soft water and hard water.
I realize that you don’t want tetras because they’re too small, but have you considered Congo tetras? They get 3-4 inches long and would look beautiful in your tank. There’s a less often seen color form commonly called the golden/blue-eyed Congo tetra which is an absolute stunner, if quite expensive.
On the water parameters, as @Essjay noted, soft water (the GH) and low KH (Alkalinity). Which makes me wonder why the pH is so very high? Can you have a look at their website and see if they are adding something to raise this? Areas with soft water sometimes do.

Congo Tetras are indeed stunning, but they are very active and need 4-foot tanks. This one is 3-foot, and I would not subject Congos to this small a space. Twice in my 30 years of aquaria I have had groups of this species, and they are something else in a long tank so they can do their two-fish races, thick floating plants so they shimmer and shine like a rainbow.
I need help stocking my planted 37 gallon tank

133 ppm
9.15 pH

I’d prefer like small fish but not neon tetra size. Congo tetras are ok but so pricy.
Perhaps a pair of kribensis and 6 or more red eye tetras with a bristlenose pleco.

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