Betta fish afraid of cory catfish


Fish Fanatic
Oct 22, 2022
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
I recently added my betta fish into a 10 gallon with Emerald cories and for some reason he is afraid of the cory catfish when ever they make small but sudden movements. Should I just let him be in there and get used to the cories?
It is not advisable to have other fish in with a male betta. The betta may take a dislike to the other fish in his space, or the other fish may decide its fun to pick on the betta. This is not uncommon with sedate long-fin fish. Cories are perhaps usually OK, though I would not do this myself. The cories cannot damage the betta like upper fish could. From your description here, the movement of the other fish may annoy the betta. If the beta was living alone peacefully for a time, the sudden appearance of other fish bumbling around his space may un-nerve him. It bears close monitoring as it could suddenly get much more serious. We can't tell, it depends upon the fish.

By the way, which species is "Emerald Cory?" I've seen this name used for Corydoras aeneus, and also for Corydoras (Brochis) splendens. The latter grows larger and needs more space.
It is not advisable to have other fish in with a male betta. The betta may take a dislike to the other fish in his space, or the other fish may decide its fun to pick on the betta. This is not uncommon with sedate long-fin fish. Cories are perhaps usually OK, though I would not do this myself. The cories cannot damage the betta like upper fish could. From your description here, the movement of the other fish may annoy the betta. If the beta was living alone peacefully for a time, the sudden appearance of other fish bumbling around his space may un-nerve him. It bears close monitoring as it could suddenly get much more serious. We can't tell, it depends upon the fish.

By the way, which species is "Emerald Cory?" I've seen this name used for Corydoras aeneus, and also for Corydoras (Brochis) splendens. The latter grows larger and needs more space.
thank you, and to answer your question im pretty sure its the aeneus cory, ive had them for a while now. Bought them at petsmart and they were labeled as ‘emerald green cory’
thank you, and to answer your question im pretty sure its the aeneus cory, ive had them for a while now. Bought them at petsmart and they were labeled as ‘emerald green cory’

OK. I'll post pictures of each, the dorsal fin is distinctively very different. Don't worry about the body colour of the C. aeneus, it is very variable for reasons I needn't go into. The size and dorsal is the distinction.


  • Corydoras [Brochis] splendens2.jpg
    Corydoras [Brochis] splendens2.jpg
    26.1 KB · Views: 15
  • Corydoras aeneus.jpg
    Corydoras aeneus.jpg
    44.1 KB · Views: 19

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