Shrimps are SFW why?


Fish Fanatic
May 12, 2023
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Nova Scotia (Canada)
There is a marked lack on NFSW activities in my shrimp tank. Aka no babies

There is
* 5 neocaridina and
*5 caridina,

water is RO with
* ammonia 0
* Nitrite 0
* nitrate 10
* tds 150ppm reached with shrimp khgh+

Only other inhabitants is a small colony of pond snails.
Had the shrimps for a month, had to juggle them between 2 tanks once to treat the tank for hydra, but point is at any point I have never seen any of the female carry any eggs.
I am pretty sure there is a mix of F and M in both populations
Sometimes they just take a little while to settle down. I wouldn't worry too much after only a month. I've not kept caridina, but the neos are pretty easy to tell the males and females apart. The males are more slender with a tail that thins out a lot more toward the end. They are often a bit less deeply coloured as well. Assuming you do have males and females, I'd just give it a bit more time.
Post some clear pics of your shrimp.
How often do you feed them and what do you feed them?

Shrimp have a high metabolism and eat a large amount of food when it's available. If they don't get enough food, or a good quality food, they won't breed. I fed my shrimp 3 times a day with a variety of frozen and dry foods and let them eat as much as they could during each feed. Just make sure you do big regular water changes and gravel cleans to keep the tank clean.
I feed them "Extreme Aquatic Food Shrimpee" 3mm pellets and occasionally I drop in some baby brine shrimps when I have excess from feeding my guppy fry.
There is plenty of green diatom algae and biofilm on plants for them to eat too, and there are quite a few snails in their tank, that I occasionally smush and leave a snail cadaver or 2 for the shrimps to consume.
Here's a couple pics of what I think are, respectively, an adult male and an adult female
by the way, population update to 6 neocaridina (one that I thought died from another tank was found alive and put in the colony) and 4 caridinas (first one that died from this batch, probably stressed from the double tank change of past week, due to the hydra treatment)
I had a group of neos that took months to breed and that was without tank moves. 10 months it took them to finally decide to do it!
It;s going to drive me crazy, as a non shrimp keeper. What does SFW represent?
It also stands for Seattle Fashion Week, but I don't think it's that one here :blink:

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