Meet Swimithy (Dwarf Gourami Stopped eating)


New Member
Aug 29, 2022
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Hi there! My dwarf gourami who I have had for almost a year now has suddenly stopped eating.

It's been 2 weeks now and I'm pretty sure hes not eating anything, especially considering he used to go crazy for food. I've put him in a quarantine tank and treating him with salt. Hes swimming about pretty normally and does seem to be improving since treating him.

All parameters have been fine throughout.

My LFS said he looked really healthy from the photo, but I thought his gill looks a bit receded and might have been a bacterial infection?

I've tried all sorts of food but will try live food next if this frozen garlic mix I got him doesnt do the trick (recommended by LFS).

Any advice is appreciated. I know they have basically no immune system and are known to get ill, but I still want to do everything I can for the little guy.

What's on top of his nose?

He could have something stuck in his throat or a growth in the throat or gills. That would make it difficult for him to eat. have you tried using very finely ground up food? The smaller size might make it down his throat. You can also try live brineshrimp or mozzie larvae.

You might need a broad spectrum medication that treats bacteria, fungus and protozoan infections.

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