Sick Betta isn’t improving


Fish Fanatic
Jun 24, 2022
Reaction score
Hershey, PA
I was away for a bit when I came back my betta was severely sick. I tried monitoring the situation and treating him but he didn’t get any better and his fins have been rotted almost to his body, so I eventually moved him to my 2.5g quarantine tank. It has a little bit of aquarium salt in it, and I’ve been adding bacterial infection remedy every other day since the 22nd.

He comes up for air and food, but other than that just lays sideways on the bottom of the tank. I haven’t seen his health improve at all in almost 4 days now, and I’m wondering if there are more extreme measures I can take to try and help him? Would a salt bath be the next step?
If his fins are deteriorating, he may have severe fin rot. Water are your water parameters? Did they spike while you were away? Did you notice anything changed when you got back? What size was his normal tank? What is the temperature of his normal tank and the quarantine tank?
If his fins are deteriorating, he may have severe fin rot. Water are your water parameters? Did they spike while you were away? Did you notice anything changed when you got back? What size was his normal tank? What is the temperature of his normal tank and the quarantine tank?
All parameters normal, zero nitrates/ites or ammonia, i have no idea the hardness values though. Nothing seems to have spiked. His regular tank is a heavily planted 10 gallon, and the temperature of both tanks is 78 degrees Fahrenheit. I have not noticed any changes between before I left and now.
Could you post a picture too please?

This is my dumbo betta I had about a year ago, who got fin rot

Ate his fins away

I treated him with salt and API fin and body cure
He lived, and eventually grew his fins back.
Hard to tell for sure what it is without a picture though.
He lived, and eventually grew his fins back.
Hard to tell for sure what it is without a picture though.
I already know it is fin rot. I’m just trying to figure out what the next steps are. Did you only use salt in his tank, or did you do a whole salt bath?

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