55 gallon Planted aquarium progress


New Member
Feb 4, 2023
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New Mexico
Hello everyone I started a planted aquarium 12/29/22 and this is how it looks today vs day 1 let me know what you think thankyou and have a good day everyone.


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Very nice! I love taking these progressive photos, watching the growth is so satisfying to me. When we're staring into the tank everyday we can't always see how things evolve so naturally, thanks for sharing rhe journey with us 👍🏻
Thankyou I appreciate it 👍 I was looking at your profile and all your pictures of your aquarium are awesome as well. Keep on with the FISH LIFE 💪
Thank you kindly :banana:
Hello Packers. Love the plant variety. What kind of lighting are you working with? I set up this 55 gallon tank for a local government business some time ago, but I'm not happy with the lighting. It came with the tank, so they may be stuck with it. Apparently, the Anubias plants like it. They've got Glofish. Several different species and some small Bala Sharks or some similar species. They've also got some large Rams Horn and Zebra Nerite snails. Quite a few fish, so we're changing half the water twice weekly.

10 Tanks (Now 11)


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Hello thank you appreciate it. The tank has two cheap 18" aquaneat led lights on the right side and a 22 "beamswork on the left. It's also dirted underneath the gravel with osmocote and root tabs that put in when setting it up. The tank you set up looks very nice you did a good job the anubias look great I would stick with Rheophyte plants like other anubias, ferns, and bucephalandra if your thinking of adding more the gravel might be to big for plants you plant in the substrate.
Hello again. Thank you. We used Eco Complete and covered that with the pebbles. We wanted to make sure there was good aeration throughout the bottom material. This way, any food that might go uneaten would dissolve in the water and be removed by just removing and replacing the tank water. The pebbles limited us on the plants we could use, but with 20 fish in the tank, we needed to be able to easily vacuum the bottom if needed to remove missed food and fish waste. The twice weekly, 50 percent water changes will keep the tank water clear of nitrogen or any other toxins that dissolve in the tank water.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Hello good afternoon. I'm actually running some eco in my other 40 gal aquarium I know its pretty rich at first but you may get away with putting some kind of cryptocorynes like wendtii there one of my favorite plants because there easy an beautiful. The 2 50% water changes a week is maybe overkill which is not bad if the fish are doing good but I would invest in a freshwater test kit to test nitrates and go off that for water changes. In my 55 I have 2 angels, 1 apistogramma, 10 Cory's, 20 neons, and 6 Otto's my nitrates never go above 20 ppm I usually just have to top off when tank gets low then the nitrates drop to 5ppm-10ppm. Just thought I'd mention that to maybe save you from doing more work if your tanks really established with a good filter and plants it'll tend to take care of its self.
Hello good afternoon. I'm actually running some eco in my other 40 gal aquarium I know its pretty rich at first but you may get away with putting some kind of cryptocorynes like wendtii there one of my favorite plants because there easy an beautiful. The 2 50% water changes a week is maybe overkill which is not bad if the fish are doing good but I would invest in a freshwater test kit to test nitrates and go off that for water changes. In my 55 I have 2 angels, 1 apistogramma, 10 Cory's, 20 neons, and 6 Otto's my nitrates never go above 20 ppm I usually just have to top off when tank gets low then the nitrates drop to 5ppm-10ppm. Just thought I'd mention that to maybe save you from doing more work if your tanks really established with a good filter and plants it'll tend to take care of its self.
Hello Packers. I think you and I are on the same page. Actually, with the equipment we use for the water change, we can remove and replace half the water in about 45 minutes. We've never tested the water. We figured two water changes a week would maintain a steady water chemistry. Fish are all active and eating well. We do have the 6-in-1 test strips. May just do a before and after test this Wednesday, the next scheduled water change. When you keep a tank for someone else, you tend to be a lot more careful about what and when to do things.

Please keep in touch. It's good talking with you.

10 Tank (Now 11)
I also like to see the different stages of the tank filling. I personally would go for kitsch decorations but that's just a personal preference of course.

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