🐡 FOTM VOTE NOW - June 2023 Fish of the Month Contest (Bettas)

Vote Now - June 2023 Fish of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA

:fish: :fish:

We have 10 awesome Bettas entered into June 2023 Fish of the Month Contest. View all the entries and descriptions below and then go to the top of page - click on your choice for FOTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific entry in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted.
You are not allowed to update your entry picture once voting has started.

Please note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. You are not allowed to have friends or family join TFF for the main purpose of voting for you. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

The winner is awarded a neat banner in his profile area and will be featured in a Winner Thread for all to see and to comment. The winner also will be added to our FOTM Wall of Fame .

Poll will close on June 29th at 4:40 PM ET (US).

Good luck to our entrants in the Fish of the Month contest. We at fishforums.net thank you for your participation.
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This is Twix, my male sp. Jade.
Βetta sp. Jade is a newly discovered species from the Coccina Complex which has yet to be published and named officially by scientists. They are Bubble-nesters, which means that create a nest of bubbles to lay their eggs in and raise, similar to that of the domesticated Betta Splendens. Betta sp. Jade is one of the smallest Betta species, with adult size of approximately 2.5cm. They come from peat swamps in Jambi, Sumatra. The water is stained with tannins from peat and leaf litter, and the pH can be as low as 4-5.
Twix lives in a 6 gallon tank with my female sp. Jade, Skittle.
He eats a variety of frozen foods (brine shrimp, daphnia, cyclops, discus buffet), live BBS, and live mosquito larvae.
He's rather outgoing for his species, and doesn't mind being hand-fed. He's usually swimming through the botanicals in the tank or chilling in his Sterculia pod, which is one of his favourite spots in the tank.
Even though the tank is really small, I haven't observed any aggression at all which is pretty cool actually.
The water parameters in the tank are:
I get those parameters by using RO water.
This species is SOO awesome and underrated, so if you ever get the chance to keep them, DO IT YOU WON'T REGRET IT 😁😉
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This is Bluey, a one year old male betta splendens living with a mystery snail in a 5 g tank with a pH 7.0 and 80F water temperature surrounded by anubias, cobomba Carolina green and Java fern. Bluey is friendly, inquisitive and energetic. He loves brine shrimp and Aqueon Pro betta pellets.
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This is my female Plakat Betta. She was obtained on 7/31/22. Feed once per day, Tetra Betta Min worm shaped bites. Once per week frozen foods, usually brine shrimp.

5 gallon tank (77F)

Tank Mates

Red Cherry Shrimp
Nerite snail


Dwarf Sagittaria Subulata
Anubias Barteri
Mini Leaf
Red Root Floater
Water Spangles (Salvinia Cucullata)
Java Moss
A few others but not sure what they are called
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This is Chunky Monkey. Marble plakat, I've had him just under a year. He eats anything and everything. Brine shrimp, mosquito, water fleas, worms, daphnia and his nutrient pellets.
He has 2 female sisters and used to be a female once upon a time. Its seems pretty common for the most dominant to change sex, definitely the boss in the tank...but not overly aggressive thankfully.
He also has neon tetras for company.
He's great to watch, such a character. Swims in to my hand to eat, once a day.
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This is Kirin! He's a Delta that has been with me for a little under a year - although his actual age may be 2-3.

He has his own 10-gallon tank filled with Java Fern, Hornwort, Anubias, Red Lotus Lily, and Sagitarus grass. He eats mostly Vibra bites once daily with a scattering of frozen blood worms and bug bites throughout the week.

He has a playful and curious personality and loves to follow me around while I move or clean his tank (which has almost gotten him vacuumed up the tube more than once, the genius).

He's comfortable in a consistent 7.2 pH with 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, and 10-25 Nitrates.
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Hello everybody! Today I’m entering my Veiltale betta “Bleu”.
I have had Bleu since December of last year.
He has such a great personality. I would describe him as a big extrovert that loves attention. When doing WCs he always comes up to my hands and I get to pet him once or twice. He loves jumping for treats and food, and he flares at nothing when he builds his bubble nests 😂
Tank things-
- 30% WC every Friday
- He gets Bug Bites betta pellets x2 every day of the week other than Fri-Sun. Friday he gets thawed brine shrimp and Saturday and Sunday he gets fasted.
- 5 gallon tank
- 2 Anubis Frazeri, 2 silk plants, and duckweed
- Filter customized with a sponge and bio rings
- 50 watt heater, tank stays 78.0-78.5
I hope you love this little bugger as much as I do!!
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Dream; my newest addition. Standard male betta, very active and affectionate.

•90l tank at 26°C
•He comes to me to eat his brine shrimp, bloodworm, daphnia, krill, pellets and prepared, flakes from the long tweezers, hand-fed baby.
•He would not have any shrimp in his tank but has 2 nerite snails, red spotted and striped
•He gets almond leaves consistently and enjoys swimming between some guppy grass although I have to keep removing loads as it grows so fast
• Keeps blowing bubble nests so think he wants to be a daddy! 😊 but no space for a 100 beta babies lol
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Fluval Betta Tank
Plants: moss ball,Anubis,water sprite, rosette sword plant, windie green, floating Asian moss.
Tank mates rams horn snail and a pumpkin Neocardina shrimp.
This guy loves his exercise mirror, and of course food. He is always flaring no matter the time of day he sees me.
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Well, this is my last pair of Betta simorum. Depending on how the light hits them (especially the male), you'll see some green and red. They will be picked up this week by a friend of mine. For they're getting a bit too big now. They've become a bit larger than they are suppose to. Well, let's blame it on the good care they had.
So, before they will leave my place, I'll show specifically the male as an entry. So, the female is not participating.
I'm not someone who would give my fish names. So, neither did these guys got a name.
Good thing is that they will go to a larger biotope tank.
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End of entries:
Please scroll up slowly as you review the 10 awesome Bettas. Then in the poll at the top of this thread, select your favorite for Fish of the Month. Be sure to click the "cast" button to register your vote.

Starting at the end of this month will be our Tank of the Month Contest. For July, we will be featuring tanks sized at 17 to 30 US gallons. If you have a tank of that size, take some pics of your tank and be ready to enter the contest.

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