African Dwarf Frog blooded chest??


New Member
Apr 29, 2023
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Hi I have an itty bitty frog (he doesn’t grow)
I changed his aquarium and added plants that I soaked for two day I thought it would be enough but it wasn’t.
My frog was sitting at the top on the plants the first day, I found that normal when I change his water but today I noticed his belly was a lil big and when I looked at him I saw a swoop in his chest where his lungs should be. Are they swollen? Is it a worm? I quickly took out the plant, checked the ph and have a bucket of fresh water to switch out through out the day.
I did add melafix but that’s only because I love him and I don’t want to lose him.
I looked up api bacterial treatment is ok for adf so I figured it might not hurt to use that as I change out the water as well. (But I haven’t bought any yet)
I have some pix maybe you can help me figure out what’s wrong. I caught it fast and I think I’ve been able to help a bloated frog before. I did drop some food by his head to get him to move but I am not going to feed him anymore until he gets back to his normal size.


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One ormore of our members who have aquatic frogs will likely have a more direct response, I will tag @Essjay as I know she has or had frogs. But in the interim, do not use any medications, antibiotics, or chemicals unless this is advised by whomever. Some of these may be safe for fish but not frogs, and vice versa. Clean water is always a good thing, with a conditioner to dechlorinate.

And welcome to TFF. :hi:
One ormore of our members who have aquatic frogs will likely have a more direct response, I will tag @Essjay as I know she has or had frogs. But in the interim, do not use any medications, antibiotics, or chemicals unless this is advised by whomever. Some of these may be safe for fish but not frogs, and vice versa. Clean water is always a good thing, with a conditioner to dechlorinate.

And welcome to TFF. :hi:
Ok Ty . The chemicals are safe for adf
But I’m not sure there’s anything wrong with it
It kind of looks like a ring worm . I just mostly would like to know if that’s normal or if anyones ever seen that before? He’s itty bitty so I’m his organs might poke through.
Maybe he’s finally picking up weight but this guy usually stays pretty slim unless he eats a lot.
His belly is normal size his chest is what’s puffed out. There was a trace of ammonia, I was wondering if maybe his lungs were swollen?
He’s swimming around fine though.
I would just keep an eye on him and make sure the water is clean. I know from experience that it's when they bloat out and just lie floating at the surface that it's time to worry.

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