Missed water test.


New Member
Jan 6, 2021
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I keep reading that a tank is cycled when the Nitrite goes up then back down again. What if I missed doing this first test? Is there a way to know if my test reading now is the one I should be going by? Tank was set up April 2nd, it had 4 neons and 4 guppies, only one neon left and doing fine. the API master test is ---Ammonia =0 , PH= 7.6 , Nitrite=0 and Nitrate=5.0. Did my nitrite go up and now is in the down slope?

P.S there are a couple of water plants in there and some house plants rooting at the surface.
Nitrate wouldn't be present in the system if Nitrite hadn't peaked and fallen again...so I would say your tank is cycled👍🏻
How long has the tank been up? Did you add any plant food that might contain nitrate?
If you've been testing regularly you would have noticed ammonia going up and then nitrite going up as ammonia starts to drop. Nitrite then peaks and starts to drop as nitrate then starts to rise. Nitrate is the lesser of the 3 evils but regular water changes keeps it diluted enough to not harm your fish
Thank you so much! That poor little neon will get some buddies!
How big is the tank? Got any pics? 😜 I admit I'm rather nosy!
It is a 36 bowfront, under gravel filter, sponge filter and a diy terracotta filter that might get removed. It is a work in progress so excuse the ugliness. Ha.


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We all have to start somewhere 👍🏻 there's great knowledge and inspiration here, I look forward to watching what you come up with as you progress
I am kinda camera dumb, I was trying to add another and deleted one in the process :)
I saw it before you deleted it 😅 what I would advise though is some Elodia or Water Sprite thrown in just so your Neon can hide amongst it and feel a little more secure, there's a lot of empty space while you're getting things sorted.
Thank you, I was going to add this plant from my betta tank but the it got the dreaded cyanobacteria! So can't put it in there. I treated it with EM but don't know if it is completely gone or not. So I will take your advice and get the water Sprite. I have no ideal what the plant is in the picture. Grows like weeds.


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May possibly be Hygrophila 🤔 have a Google and see what you think

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