Is this fungus?


New Member
Apr 11, 2023
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I started noticing these flecks in my new tank. Sometimes they're bunched together. Or they're individual flecks. It's currently being cycled. They're kinda beige or brown with some sort of white film/fuzz on it. Is this fungus?
I don't know what this is, but I notice that no one's responded.

Regardless, I say get rid of it with a siphon and hope it doesn't come back (scientific, I know)
How are you adding ammonia to the tank?
I was adding fish food. I tried sinking pellets, but stopped doing that when they didn't dissolve (I have removed them). Those flakes seemed to have appeared after I added the driftwood to the tank. I have done a water change and pulled as many of them out of the tank, and it's looking better. So I'm just going to keep an eye on it.
Looked like rotting food, to me
OK, thank you. Maybe the fish food bunched up into a sloppy mess and started to rot. I have since been keeping an eye on it and taking out anything gross bunching up on bottom of the tank.

This is the first time I have attempted a proper cycle, so it's been a learning curve for me.
Good for you with the cycling

BTW, using pure ammonia simplifies matters; rotting food ammonia levels are harder to control
I looked around on where to buy pure ammonia. Apparently it's not legal to sell in Canada. Which is why I went the fish food method. There are also live plants in the aquarium that I've been fertilizing and keeping an eye on. I'm noticing some sprouting already, so that's a good sign. I think.
Can you get Dr Tim's Ammonium Chloride in Canada?
I think the only way I can is through Amazon, and I'm not sure if there would be restrictions on that.
Just once, I wanted to be like the cool kids and try a fishless cycle. I couldn't get pure ammonia in Canada. But looking on Amazon just now, for about $18, you can get the Dr Tim's product now. It's a small bottle.

I've lost interest in the chemistry experiment, but it can be done.

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