Fish Id please

Thanks Gamer they are not SAEs though they do look like them.

Thanks again Ichthys. Yes they do look a lot like them but I actually now have some Y. cruciatus, or at least I think so after complaining to the shop they agreed to send me 7 of the ones I ordered but actually sent a mix of loaches again so I now have what seems like three species but not the original ones I wanted which were petruichthys sp rosy. I have the room for them and when I put them together they all get on much like different Cory species. I still would ideally have a shoal of each species as they all behave differently and know their own kind, they seem fine with the water and other fish I have and are eating lots and are very active.
The pic of the pair is probably Y cruciatus and the single one is probably Y brevis.

Anyway thanks I guess I need a loach enthusiast.


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You could do a search on Loaches Online. They have an alphabetical names index and a pictorial species index.

Eek! I agree with Ichthys but also initially felt the shiver of Chinese Algae Eaters slithering into my head. Spooky stuff
I got an ID I believe to be correct for these they are physoschistura rivulicola the ones I thought were yunnanilus cruciatus are actually called Physoschistura brunneana.
As you can see from the photo they have put on some weight. They are very active, lively and fearless little fish.


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