Can any one help me id this fish


New Member
Mar 2, 2003
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Derby uk.
My girlfriend was sold this fish as a 5 bar cichlid which it's not but from time to time it has 5 to 6 bars on its side.
Do you think it is from the neolamprologus group.
I have no probs with the fish it live happly in my Tanganyikan tank i wood just like to no what it is.
Thanks KDW.


  • fish_2.jpg
    54.7 KB · Views: 90
It'll be one for the Cichlidmaster Karl, he is the Yoda of fishkeeping is he! Tell you fish identity he will.... Mmmmm... :D

I have just completed a search of several reference texts and I'm puzzled!!!!

I came across a few that resemble your fish, but I cannot say with 100% certainy that these woyuld be your's why.....

Quite frequently when a fish is stressed. it can turn completely dark. Sometimes the fish will remain in this dark colored state for it's entire life!!

While the fish can live for many years, as I said it may not revert back to it's original color.

I will look through a few more manuals and see what I can find out though.

If I cannot figure it out for certain, I will post pics of the fish it may be and you can let us know if any of these are it.

I don't think he is stessed as i have two a breeding pair and thay are both this colour also when thay do get stressed thay will go almost black also when thay are ready two breed thay will have 5 two 6 bars down there sides.
Thanks for your help kdw
He has a small pactch of gold at the top of his gills.
Hope this helps


  • fish_3.jpg
    48.7 KB · Views: 88
Looks a bit like an African Blockhead Karl, a riverine fish. Does it stay close to the substrate? :blink:
Isnt that one of those red bodied Walleyes?? :lol: :hyper: :hyper:

Sorry couldnt resist . I wanted this one to go back to the top I also would like to know

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