Bristlenose Fungal Growth?


New Member
Jan 31, 2023
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United Kingdom
Hi all,

Here is my beautiful Red Bristlenose. He is about 4 months old at a guess and is just starting to grow some bristles. But his left side gill has furry white growth. It has spread to his left fin, I have just started a course of Metafix and Primafix with some Aquarium Salt below the dosage, I have Yoyos and don't want to stress them out too much with the salt.

Question is, can anyone confirm if it is actually fungal or bacterial from the pictures? I'm hoping it's not the Ick, I don't think it is, but looking for experienced opinions on this. The growth can be seen in the picture provided.

Thank you for your time.



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I can confirm it is not Ich, Ich presents as a bunch of white spots the size of salt grains. Unfortunately I cannot say what the growth is. One of the first things I would do is keep the tank very clean, vacuum gravel and do more frequent water changes. There are others in forum that are better with disease treatment than I.
I can confirm it is not Ich, Ich presents as a bunch of white spots the size of salt grains. Unfortunately I cannot say what the growth is. One of the first things I would do is keep the tank very clean, vacuum gravel and do more frequent water changes. There are others in forum that are better with disease treatment than I.
Thanks for your reply bud. My BN had this growth for a couple days, before I started treatment, towards the end of the second day it disappeared, which has confused me how well it's cleared up. No sign of it anywhere, perhaps it was a mild case and the salt coupled with Primafix and Metafix dried it up and it all fell off. Either way I am happy and I'm sure my BN is too. I will carry on treating for the next 2 days just to be sure. Attached a pic of my happy BN. I really do like the deep red colour he has developed.


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So these growths have come back, but this time on both Gills. Could it be possible he's getting random floating mold or debris getting caught in his gill spines? He does seem to open and flex them often. I have carried on with treatment incase. Just not sure what to do. Is it bacterial, Fungal or just debris that's hanging it of his gills.


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