Bristlenose Catfish


New Member
Mar 4, 2023
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I'm brand new to this forum, but would love some advice from experts out there.
My Bristlenose Catfish of 13 years has recently stopped eating. She devoured her courgette on Monday night, but hasn't eaten Wednesday night or Friday night. My fish only get fed Monday, Wednesday and Friday and have done since I've kept tropical fish (26 years).
On top of this, she's barely moving about. She usually visits three different hiding places in the day but has been in the same area since Wednesday.
Today, I've noticed a white mark on her body and need advice. I have the feeling she's on her last legs so to speak, but I know she's had a good, long life. Photo as best as I could get is attached.


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If you put live worms in will she eat them?
Thirteen years is a long time, though, so your concerns are probably warranted.
If you put live worms in will she eat them?
Thirteen years is a long time, though, so your concerns are probably warranted.
I've never tried live worms to be honest. She's literally lived on algae wafers, courgette and red pepper.
Every type of catfish that I have ever owned has gone crazy for worms--microworms, black worms, earthworms. Just find something of the appropriately size and try it. I have a worm compost bin, so I can find earthworms of various sizes in it. If you have a safe spot in your garden, you could try that. At any rate, if your pleco doesn't go for a bite size worm, make plans for saying good bye. If it does, hold on to hope for a while.
Hold on to hope anyway. Mine occasionally disappears for days at a time and nothing will lure him out. He's 19 years old. Then one day he will suddenly appear and everything is normal again for months.
check your temperature,ph gh kh ammonia and nitrite level's. when was the last time you did a water change. make sure everythings a-ok just do a general check-up on your tank.
check your temperature,ph gh kh ammonia and nitrite level's. when was the last time you did a water change. make sure everythings a-ok just do a general check-up on your tank.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I did all of those. I'm happy to say she bounced back to normal a few days later and has been good ever since.
My BNP if 13 years has recently gone missing. Can't find him anywhere even after 2 major water changes.
My BNP if 13 years has recently gone missing. Can't find him anywhere even after 2 major water changes.
That happened to my first one and it wasn't good news sadly. He'd buried himself under the sand to pass. I really hope yours has just found a very good place to hide though and will reappear.

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