Micro bubble on gouramis


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2x Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 18, 2021
Reaction score
Greater Manchester
Hi all I recently got my first pair of wild-type honey gouramis and noticed microbubbles on the body of both of them with the female having more than the male. They have been creating a bubble nest so that was my first thought however a few hours after sighting the bubbles they are still there even though the number of bubbles has reduced. Is this something that would require medication if the problem continues? Thanks

I could only get pics of the female as the male prefers the heavily planted areas and isn't a fan of the camera


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If they are bubbles you have no worries as far as I know but it is possible that the "micro bubbles" are ich. Ich makes sense if they are new fish. Do the bubbles possibly look like grains of salt, how are the fish behaving, at least one of you photos looks like the fish has clamped fins, are they flashing or trying to rub the bubbles off, if so it is likely ICH. A brief document about ICH can be found on the Useful Links section. I will note that most people here recommend a heat treatment for ich, I had it once about three years ago and it took about 10 days to full eradicate with heat because. There are other people on this forum who would be better to guide you to a treatment because my results were not the best, I ended up losing some fish.

Better pictures might help. The pictures are slightly out of focus on the spots which gives them halos that make them look like bubbles but if focused they might be a solid object.

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