There is a group of species that resemble the hobby tiger barbs. Puntigrus partipentazona is a nice one, smaller and by reputation less nippy than the tiger barb (which can grow surprisingly large).
It's still a super social fish, and all social fish can get unpredictable if kept wrongly. These guys need heavily planted tanks, with a vegetable component to their diet. They need to be in larger groups - a dozen would be good, although a couple fewer will work. If they have a large group, then they become a self contained world with zero interest in other species. If the group is too small, rogue individuals won't be as destructive as tiger barbs can be, but they may nip. Boredom makes for badness.
Predictably, a group needs room to move, so you'd need a decent sized tank.
There are a lot of barbs we don't see regularly that are, IMHO, better fish to keep than the ones we do. The business has concentrated on selling mutated morphs of tiger barbs rather than breeding the really nice natural members of the group. Desmopuntius rhomboocellatus is a delightful barb I wish we saw more. Where I am, in Canada, we don't get a lot of the nicer Asian fish.