Please help identify this plant. Pic's included


May 8, 2004
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
I just picked up two of these from my LFS. He didn't know know what they were. I think someone just came in and donated them to him. The underside of the larger leaves are a dark red or purple. I like them and figure regardless of what it is (unless it's none-aquatic), my tank can suit it's needs. I just want to figure out what it is so I can read up on it a bit. Thanks in advance for any help.



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some maybe's :dunno:
from a reference book , no common names

houttuyia cordata

lobelia splendens

ammania senegalensis

AQUARIUM PLANTS their identification cultivation and ecology

by dr. karel rataj and thomas j . horeman
Thanks for chiming in Dwarfs. I googled those 3 names, and unfortunately I don't think we have a match yet. The first two you listed actually came up as land plants when I searched them. I found only a couple sites that had them listed as aquarium plants, but not with pictures. The pic's I did find of the land plants were different completely. The 3rd one has some similarities, but not enough that I'm going to give up the search yet... Thanks for trying, though!

Samolus valerandi. A marsh plant really, often sold as an aquatic. Will grow submerged, but is not very easy.
I believe we have a match.. thanks LL!

Samolus valerandi
Family: Primulaceae
Scientific Name: Samolus valerandi
Common Name:
Distribution: America
Height: 6-9
Width: 6-9
Light Required: average-high
Temperature: 16-24
pH: neutral-basic
Ease of care: difficult
Notes: Samolus valerandi is anamphibious plant with leaf rosettes consisting of 7-14leaves. The leaves are light green, oval and broadened,10 cm long and 3-4 cm wide with a narrow base. Samolusvalerandi is very ornamental as a foreground plant,in shallow aquariua, or alternatively, as a swamp plantin terraria. Samolus valerandi benefits from anutrient rich substrate - though it is not conditionalfor good growth - but it requires high light to thrivewell. Samolus valerandi is an easy beginner'splant though one has to be patient with the emergent form- the one sold in the stores - because it may take awhile for the plant to adapt to the aquatic environment.

Fortunately my aquarium is suited for this plant with a thick pure Flourite substrate, CO2, and over 4WPG of light. As well, I believe the specimens I picked up are already adapted to aquarium as they had been at my LFS for several weeks and continued to look quite healthy over that time. Now to just wait and see...


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