I just came back from the (not so local) LFS and I am like ready to cry, cause that was way worse than kid in a candy store. So many fish, I want all of them at home. I am 95% sold on the fact that I will not be getting rid of the fourth tank ( currently quarantine) and that I will most likely not get the african dwarf frogs, but a trio of some apistogramma or rams or something that I wanted in the past !
Anyways, bad news on my fish, even though it was a local breeder, the shop said they lost over 50% of the stock by the time I got there. I got the remaining 8 out of the 20 at a discounted price, have an agreement with the owner that I will inform him, if they fared well, and he will order new ones or will see.
I could switch to the vietnamese minnows, I have seen them in the store, they are also pretty nice, or I saw the odessa barb that I found interesting a LOT, will do a little reading on if they would do well with the panda garras and sewellia.
The shop even had Farlowella vitatta that
@Byron recommended the other time, and I am thankful it was so expensive, or I would have left with it. So cute and it was quite small at that point.
I will so be posting a topic here to discuss my other fish options
The new otocinclus are sucking away on all the brown and green algae that I left on the glass in the quarantine, hopefully I will have better luck with them this time. I will have to wait till tomorrow for the hatchetfsh to color up, to check if I indeed have the marthae, as ordered.