Kenyi or Sauloci...or Neither?


New Member
Sep 20, 2022
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Jacksonville, FL

Hello all! I am new to Cichlids so thank you to all to contribute here. I ordered 15 fish (75 gallong tank) from a reputable company but they didn't have any Sauloci, and neither did my LFS so I found these at a big box pet store. The were in an "assorted Mbuna tank" but I think they are Sauloci. However, I want to make sure they are Sauloci and not Kenyi before introducing them to the rest of the fish. Can someone please help identify these two little guys? They are juveniles about 1 inch long. Sorry, the pic quality isn't the best.

Thanks everyone!
The 'assorted Mbuna" tanks around here are grab bags for the fish they can't identify. Mbuna hybridize easily. So they could be kennyi and saulosi at once. Once the farms and stores can't identify them, all bets are off. They can charge more for a 'real' kennyi or saulosi, so the mixed tank is not a good place to find fish with identifiable, legit species names. You can find nice fish in them though.
Thanks for the input GaryE. Maybe I should return them. I don't want fish in the tank I can't identify.
Many years ago I snagged a socoloffi in a mixed tank, but after I asked the fish catcher (a knowledgeable one) if he agreed with my identification, he told me they'd dumped the last one in to make way for a new shipment of something different. That's probably the only way to get a quality fish out of one of those tanks.
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

It's a bit hard to tell due to blurry pictures and the fish sort of facing the camera. If you could get better pictures showing the fish from the side, it might help.

The blue one looks like a female lombardoi (kennyi).
need a better pic of the yellow one.

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