If you have harder water and want a micro rasbora type check out Galaxy Rasbora or Emerald Rasbora both would do awesome in a 10 gallon tank, an other slightly rarer option would be Microrasbora Rubescens the Dwarf Red Rasbora. Mix these with some Cherry and Amano Shrimp and it will be a great tank. If you wanted any other bottom dwellers, the best option are Rosy Loaches, Inle Loaches or Oil Catfish
Or if you wanted a couple of feature fish with the school 2-3 male Endlers could add something different to the school.
I think I'd do a 3 male Endlers, school of 10 Emerald Rasboras, 5 Cherry Shrimp, 5 Amano Shrimp. The Rasboras may breed but eggs will likely get eaten, the Endlers should be male so no problem, the Amanos cant breed in freshwater but the Cherries may breed over time.