Paziquantel for Tapeworms


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi, seems I've found a few tapeworms laying about on the bottom of my pond. I rehomed a few fish recently from someone closing down, and looks like they've brought them, does anyone know where I can get Paziquantel in the UK? Or do I need to ask a Vet?

alternatively if anyone knows of a good substitute to use?
Tapeworms or detritus worms? Tapeworms don't usually loll about on the bottom, and detritus worms can really resemble them.

The "we hate chemicals" crowd usually say garlic works, but research suggests it unfortunately doesn't.
See section 3 of the following link for information about treating worms in fish and what medications are available in the UK.
Hi, thanks for the quick response. This was the main one, there were a couple of smaller ones too. I had one fish come down with a real bad final infection I’m treating on a quarantine pond. I assumed it was tapeworms an this may be linked.


This is the fungal infection, again one of the new fish I took on. I fear it’s too late for this guy no matter what I do. 40967D8D-6166-4E9A-B776-01AE809022D3.jpeg
IF it is actually an intestinal tape worm, praziquantel in the active ingredient in eSHa gdex.

But that does not look like an intestinal worm though I have no idea what it is.
Is that white worm like thing alive?
Post more pictures of it and a video of it in some pond water. I want to see how it moves.

Tapeworm are flat segmented worms. That thing looks round.

You can treat the fungus with salt. Add 2 heaped tablespoons of rock salt for every 20 litres (5 gallons) of pond water. Keep salt in there for 2 weeks. The fungus should go within 24-48 hours but the underlying tissue will need a week or so to heal.
It might be easier to move the fish into a large plastic storage container for treatment.
It's gone now sorry, I got rid, it was definitely round tho, and I never seen it moved properly other than to wriggle in the open water when I was catching it. Looking up detritus worms, it does seem more like that

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