Rotala Rotundifolia

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@Stan510 i didnt have the testicles to double the iron for 3ml to 6ml but however this week I have been dosing 4.5ml of iron just to make sure the fish were going to handle it and the growth rate on the rotala is insane and the plant to the left of it (can't remember the name 😀) is also going crazy
Since I increased the color in some plants has shown like never before. In fact one - Hygrophila costata is showing a purty pinkish red color at the base of the leaves. I can't find a photo online that matches. Later I will post a pic of it. Rotala indica for me is showing deep red undersides. All from the iron.
I preach more iron for plant people not wanting the bother of cylinders. MD aquascapes says no to that constant extra work with 43 aquariums. Imagine refilling them all every month. You might check out his vids. He uses 30 watt flood lights that are at a 7500K. That's a very natural light.
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As I'm el dosing with seachem products if I'm dosing more iron will I need to adjust my other nutrients to suit, yes I've watched some of his videos he's a real straight forward guy doesn't likw to complicate things abit like myself mainly because I don't know to much 😅😁
No further needs. I saw somebody pump a European top of the line whole ferts and the color was brown. Iron. So,its the main ingredient and why I decided why buy "part iron" on a all in one when pure iron would out do the all in one? Since my fish are fed well,etc.
Here's a Hygrophila costatus (old name was angustifolia) with that pinkish blush. Never saw one with that before. I credit the extra iron. Alternanthera and Ludwigia also in the "more color" camp with more iron.


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That looks really nice I've had to cut the rotala tonight on my water change its literally grow 3inch this week since the extra irons been added
@Stan510 hello bud I've slowly been raising my iron ml the last couple of times I've add 5ml my water has turned a cloudy white/blueish colour not really cloudy but you can clearly see its not normal slowly fades throughout the day, is that a sign I'm adding to much? Or just an imbalance as I'm not adjusting my other ferts?

Any other reply are welcome I believe when I spoke to @Essjay before she confirmed it was a bacterial bloom I believe I over fed 1 day my mistake which caused it which was a month or more ago

Is the cloudy from bloom or the iron? If its the iron? reduce the amount per day. I had the same thing happen..the water was not crystal clear. No iron for three days cleared it up. Fish were fine. I now add per day 1/3 of what I was adding and my swords are exploding into growth and deep colors.
I can only assume its due to the iron as nothing else has changed the extra iron has certainly done what you said and the other plants have grown crazy, is it a case of just dropping the iron ml as I'm dosing 4 of the 6 days I use ferts Sunday is no ferts and maintance day admitting only yesterday a slight bloom appeared which the other 2 days were fine so I'm guessing drop it for each day and try to balance it the bloom is caused by excuse iron? Don't know if I've worded that in a way you will understand or if im miles off
I think you were dosing more than could be taken up by the plants. So,adjust slightly down and when the plant mass increases- increase the iron to keep pace.
I've grown plants and worked in horticulture and have never seen iron produce such incredible results as in aquarium plants. Also,my theory is that the chelation in the iron also allows other important micro and macro nutrients to then be taken up also. So those billion parts of manganese are used as if you had dosed them also.
Cheers for the reply I will adjust the levels and keep an eye on the results much appreciated
@Stan510 yesterday i added 3ml of iron, water didnt cloud up today I've added 3ml again and the water has a very slight cloudy white colour to it, 3ml was originally what I was adding before I started to add alot more iron I have followed the same dosing for the past 2 months and for some reason it's only now started to do it more regularly, I will leave my dosing schedule down below to what I follow if its any use to you or anyone else.

When the plants catch up THEN you can add more. Your plants looked fine to me originally.The boost got them going again to lush.
I've been reading online, I worried I'm overstocked ive more of less had since the start so I can't see it being the issue, only thing I've changed within the last month or so is the filter from the aqua one which came with the tank which had a rather strong flow which I thought was possibly not helping with plant growth as it was causing the plants to be arched over all the time in the flow but yes the boast in iron certainly helped to get them going

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