Sword/crypt/pondweed ID's please! Any idea which variety?

AdoraBelle Dearheart

Nutty fish nutter
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 22, 2020
Reaction score
Plant one - some kind of sword I think, but much slower growing than others I've had. Struggled for like a year, then grew, but remains pretty compact:

Plant 2: Crypt of some time, think maybe wendtii? Have had it for a long time, can get pretty large and tall! Under side of leaves is more red than it shows in the photos:


Pond weed! I don't know whether it's hornwort or elodea:

Appreciate any ID's! :D
#3 is definitely not elodea (aka anacharis) as the leaves are wrong. It's either hornwort or another plant pretending to be hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)

But I can't tell one sword from another or one crypt from another :confused:
The third looks like hornwort. Elodea/anacharis is generally much darker with more of a leaf than a needle. A photo of the two side by side.
1- Echinodorus palifolius?

Hmm, not sure about that one I'm afraid, the leaves on this one are much more rounded than the images I can find of palifolius. So many swords look so similar though, it's really hard to tell them apart! But it doesn't really matter which it is. I was just curious if anyone knew :)
2- Cryptocoryne undulata?

I think you might be right! I think it's likely either this one, or beckettii. Apparently crypt leaf shape and colour can vary according to aquarium conditions too, so that makes it even trickier.
3- Ceratophyllum demersum?
Yep! I think you, @Essjay and @OliveFish05 have nailed it, thank you :)

But I can't tell one sword from another or one crypt from another :confused:

Hey, I can't tell either! So not judging you there. And since they apparently vary their appearance in different conditions, you probably need to be super into your plant ID's to be able to tell!
I'm just glad that this sword has stayed more compact. Previous sword I started has gotten so huge, it's really outgrown the 57g. Seems a shame to bin it, but it's way too big to move it to my new set up, and hogs all the nutrients too.

Thanks guys! The specific variety ID doesn't really matter in the end, they all need the same sort of care. Just curious really!

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