Kuhli loaches with shrimp?


New Member
May 6, 2020
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Hi, ive currently got a 22g stocked with like 10 ember tetras, a peacefull betta (ive never seen him chase or hurt anything), and a bunch of red cherry shrimp. however i feel like it could do with a peacefull bottom dweller and i was thinking of like 4 kuhli loaches as ive had them before and they're fun to watch. I was just wondering if they would go to the ends of the earth to hunt down my shrimp because i know that loaches to like to snack on shrimp, but kuhli loaches have a shyer nature and a lot smaller mouths so idk whether theyd be fine or not. some of my cherrys are quite large aswell.

I have kuhli loaches with shrimp and a betta and they do great, as long as the tank is big enough. I wouldn't try it in anything smaller than a 20G though. That's on the low end.
They don't always hide - it is kind of weird and unpredictable. I have two 29 side by side each with approx 11 kuhli - in one they hide all the time (during the day); but in the other they frequently come out and play during they day.... go figure.
They don't always hide - it is kind of weird and unpredictable. I have two 29 side by side each with approx 11 kuhli - in one they hide all the time (during the day); but in the other they frequently come out and play during they day.... go figure.

Is there a difference in lighting, plants, etc?
Is there a difference in lighting, plants, etc?
I guess - also difference in fish population:
They are frequently out in the black tank but not the white; however their behavior is greater than just visiblity; in the white if they do come out they quickly hide if I make any movement; in the black tank they pretty much ignore me - even when I'm cleaning the tank... which sometimes require me to gently nudge them to move out of the way.

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