Help identify these critters


Fish Addict
Jan 13, 2022
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Hi everyone, over the last 2 or 3 water changes on my small 10g tank where I keep a dwarf gourami and 2 snails, I've noticed these things. At first it was one. Today I noticed more, smaller ones too (so they're reproducing) and I'm starting to be curious/ worry a bit.
Video here: via BitChute

Can anyone identify these things? Should I worry about them, and should I fully replace the substrate when I move the gourami to his new, bigger tank?

Thanks in advance


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Are they the little shrimp type things? I think they are scuds - fairly certain they are harmless and usually get eaten by fish can be a sign of over feeding as they can only multiply if they have enough food
Are they the little shrimp type things? I think they are scuds - fairly certain they are harmless and usually get eaten by fish can be a sign of over feeding as they can only multiply if they have enough food
Thanks, yep, that's what they are. No wonder Mr blurami here has been going at the gravel, I'm sure he's hunting them down. Then again, he's perpetually hungry. Thank you!
Thanks, yep, that's what they are. No wonder Mr blurami here has been going at the gravel, I'm sure he's hunting them down. Then again, he's perpetually hungry. Thank you!
Ah yeah a Gourami will love them lol. Most tanks have them but you only really see them if there is too much food or waste in the tank and the population increases.


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