Epic fishkeeping skills or gross incompetency?

Livebearers breed prolifically, and often...prepare for many more....I found out the "hard" way, as well

After 3 or 4 trips to the LFS to donate bag fulls of them, I got out of the livebearer business, permanently.
If one did give birth wouldnt there have been more than just one? I thought live bearers could produce more than one at a time. Is it possible for one to just give birth to one?
maybe there is only 1 fish and you have really bad eyesight, or are completely smashed (drunk)
Apparently you can never be certain, but I believe there are 2 Electric Blue Rams in this bag. Would appreciate confirmation
I may have future issues with the livebearers, but they started to swarm around the tank the second I added them and haven't stopped since. The two rams I added today immediately hid amongst the plants at the back of the tank and haven't come out since!


I have had these Rams in mind for a while, but the owner of my LFS store pointed out that they will do a very good job keeping my livebearer population under control. Which sounds a bit grim to be honest, but might be helpful in the long term
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Rams can be quite good at munching their own and other fish babies.

Give them a few days...maybe as many as 10 days or so...to get used to the new home and get adventurous. Also watch your temperature as they are very partial to warmer water than many livebearers.
Rams can be quite good at munching their own and other fish babies.

Give them a few days...maybe as many as 10 days or so...to get used to the new home and get adventurous. Also watch your temperature as they are very partial to warmer water than many livebearers.

Yea they just need some time. They were very out of sorts before I even took them out of the bag, they seemed very stressed by the (very brief!) trip home so I don't think it's my water.

I got them some blood worms which apparently they love, so I will feed them that tomorrow and see if it cheers them up20220412_171245.jpg

Very pretty fish, have always wanted a pair
If you leave the lights off til the morning, that will help to settle the Rams into their new home. It is advised to leave lights off whenever new fish are introduced to an aquarium to give them time to acclimatise and de-stress.

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