It's a color patternWhat does Shiro Utsuri mean?
I'll make pictures of the side tomorrow. Shiro Utsuri is a combination of a black base with white patches in koi.Pictures from the side?
Is it black and white, or black all over?
What does Shiro Utsuri mean?
Correct. But with black as a base and white patches.
Shiro Utsuru is black based with white patches. Shiro Bekko is white based with black patches.Very nice! What is the difference between Shiro Utsuri and Shiro Bekko?
Ah ok! That’s very cool…Shiro Utsuru is black based with white patches. Shiro Bekko is white based with black patches.
Sometimes it's hard to tell wether it's a Shiro Utsuri or a Shiro Bekko. For there are also Shiro Utsuris that show first more white than black. But if you look very good, you can see the black underneath the skin.
Yes, the black koi guppy is from my own breeding program.An obvious question. Is this fish from your own breeding program ?