What am I doing wrong…

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Aug 9, 2021
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Starting to feel pretty useless at this hobby since beginning my journey on the 55 gallon. I’ve had problem after problem, and since stocking with new fish, I seemed to be doing even worse.

I began with a large angelfish. Despite having a bit of a reputation, this guy has never showed aggression, never chased or been chased, never been sick, he is perfect.

I then added a Pearl gourami and 2 EBA’s. One of those EBA’s was incredibly aggressive and tore up the fins of my Pearl gourami and constantly chased.

I removed him from the tank today and my LFS recommended I try a Severum in his place. While I was there, I added another female Pearl Gourami as I read they don’t like being alone.

Now my remaining EBA (which was weak, discoloured and shy) has perked up and began nipping at the Pearl gouramis and Severum. At the same time, the smaller, original gourami (with the shredded fin) has started chasing the much larger Pearl gourami.

I am now hearing that I shouldn’t have Pearl Gouramis with these Cichlids and that the Severum is too big. Also that Cichlids will be territorial and chase one another no matter what. So how the hell am I supposed to keep them.

The tank looks so nice and I am desperate for a peaceful beautiful show tank, but I seem to be making mistake after mistake no matter how much effort I make to research. I’m throwing money at it and it is starting to become more stressful than it’s worth.

Perhaps I am overthinking it, because at times, my two Gouramis swim peacefully together along the top. My young EBA swims around curiously, and my Severum and Angelfish glide around the tank in peace, and everything looks perfect. What could I do to be better at this?

Thanks in advance and be kind 👀


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No, your not over thinking it. Gouramis are sometimes aggressive, but pearls are not known for aggression. Cichlids are always somewhat aggressive so mixing them in a tank is one big headache. You have been given rubbish advice from the LFS and they should never have sold this combination of fish if they knew they were all going in the same tank.
I have little (good) experience of cichlids, I just have apistogrammas now, @Wills might be able to tell you who needs to go to regain the peace - sounds like the EBA should go but I had a pair of angels kill everything else in the tank once so you may have to choose between pearls or angels. And yes, severum are big fish so...
Tbf the LFS is normally top notch, I have had lots of similar advice from online and it has been a massive headache from the start. I have saved for months and months to get my first big tank because I have always wanted to own cichlids or something similar and big and now it just seems like all the time and money has been a waste.

The angelfish has actually been the only one to give me no drama whatsoever. It is annoying because I had to wait a very long time to get these EBA’s as they were the thing that spurred me on to upgrade. When I got rid of the aggressive one, I thought it would allow the small, discoloured & shy one to come out his shell and perk up a bit. It’s a shame he seems just as aggressive as the previous one now. I am also confused as to the Pearl Gourami. I got a second one because it was small and torn to shreds and thought it could benefit from a friend. How has it suddenly become aggressive and chasing to a much larger fish.
Also is there a reason that my tiny, little Electric Blue Acara would chase gouramis twice it’s size, but not other Cichlids?
The advice this store has been giving you is just plain irresponsible. Most fish store staff are not trained/educated in fish. This is where research comes in, which leads me to your second comment about lots of online advice. There are more inaccurate hobby sites on the internet than reliable ones when it comes to fish species. A big advantage of this forum is that there are several members with considerable knowledge on various aspects of the hobby.

The solution to the attacked gourami is to get rid of the attacker. Cichlids and gourami should never be housed together, this is only asking for trouble, and it is sad that the store led you down this road.
All gouramis are territorial to some degree. If you have a gourami in a tank and then add a new one, the new fish will usually be considered an intruder by the original inhabitant and they can fight. After a period of time, the fish might start to get along or they might keep fighting. If they keep fighting after a few days, they will probably keep fighting until one is removed (or dead).

Floating plants like Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta) are great for gouramis because they provide surface habitat and break up the line of sight in an otherwise bare tank.

Cichlids are all territorial and some will get along, while others kill each other and everything else in the tank. If you want a breeding pair of cichlids, buy a group of 8-10 young fish and grow them up together. Let them choose their partners and when 2 have formed a pr, remove the remaining cichlids.

If you want to add new cichlids to a tank that already contains cichlids, feed the fish in the tank, wait an hour and then rearrange the tank. Then add the new fish straight after rearranging the tank. By moving things around in the tank, you break up known established territories and this gives the new fish more chance to settle in without being attacked for intruding into established territories.

If you just want a display tank, get a group of cichlids and add them all at the same time. Get one of each species and get them all about the same size.

When you add new fish to an aquarium, it's a lot like having strangers come and stay in your house. It takes time for everyone to settle into the new surroundings and not everyone is going to get along. Normally in the wild, if a fish wanders into another fish's territory, it can swim away if it's attacked, that can't happen in an aquarium. So you need to monitor them and make sure everyone is happy together. If someone is causing problems, remove them.

A fish's behaviour can also change as they grow and mature. When fish like gouramis and cichlids become sexually mature, they develop a strong territorial defense mechanism and will be much more likely to attack an intruder compared to when they were younger.
While I appreciate and agree with your comment, I have had my fair share of incorrect and conflicting information from people on this forum as well. I always try to research as much as I can from as many sources as possible. People on this website have recommended Gouramis as suitable with SA Cichlids.

Thank you for your response. So would you suggest to remove the Electric Blue Acara as opposed to removing the Pearl Gouramis?

It is a shame as despite EBA’s being renowned as peaceful, and Angelfish known as aggressive, it has been the complete opposite for me.

Thanks for the info
, I have had my fair share of incorrect and conflicting information from people on this forum as well.
As with other places on the internet, you need to work out who to listen to and who to ignore, once you gauge their knowledge and experience. You will not go far wrong if you listen to Byron and Colin. And if your heart is set on cichlids, Wills can steer you in the right direction.
t is a shame as despite EBA’s being renowned as peaceful, and Angelfish known as aggressive,
I'm not sure if this reply was to me, but I don't consider EBAs peaceful. I was suggesting both the EBA and Angel would need to go if the aim is peace.
Absolutely, they both seem very knowledgable! I’ve seen a lot of places call the EBA one of the most peaceful cichlids there is. Again I understand this can’t all be trusted but a number of seemingly reliable and experienced sources have said this. Of course it is all down to the individual fish at the end of the day.

Like I said regarding my Angelfish, he has lean the most peaceful, placid fish I’ve ever owned really. More than happy to chill out while new fish explore him and has never once chased/acted out against any fish. He is the one I will keep 100%, incredibly peaceful!
Seems like either the EBA or the Gouramis have to go. If the EBA goes, I think the gouramis will live in peace. If the gouramis go; I worry the EBA would turn is aggression somewhere else
Yes absolutely. I spent months and months saving and researching because I fell in love with the Electric Blue Acara.

Now I seem to have a Severum, an Angelfish & two Pearl Gouramis that all chill out together and eat in the same corner… then a tiny EBA that comes over and wreaks havoc like a little nibbly toddler 😭

I am going away for a few days tomorrow, I will see how they fair when I return, see if they can all make friends. If not I will have some decisions to make. For now the Angel and Severum will be staying for sure!
When people say this gourami or that cichlid is peaceful, they mean peaceful for a gourami or peaceful for a cichlid. It doesn't mean they are peaceful fish; they are still aggressive fish, just less so than other gourami or cichlid species.
Okay, out of curiosity, what is it about the Gouramis that make them so susceptible to this EBA’s behaviour as opposed to say the Angels. In other words, why does the EBA only target my gouramis? They are big fish that try to stay well clear at the top.

Regardless, I will be rehoming the Gouramis. Is there any nice big that could replace them in the tank. Thanks for the help

1 x EBA
1 x Severum
1 x Angel

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