Unfortunately most fish are in hiding due to big water changes to keep the temp. down, it's been rising to 29C in this weather.
Thanks for the noms, I won't enter it yet until my E. Tenellus has formed a carpet and my Tiger Lillies have grown, maybe the competetion will be tougher by then i.e. Konrads tank!!!
Here's a close-up of the Red Vallis, I think it's a variety of Vallisneria spiralis, I bought it from Greenline aquatics mail-order, Andy Green recommended it because it likes softer water.
Here's the spec for my setup, I'll post a decent pic when I can borrow a decent camera and my other plants mature.
Tank : Juwel Rio 125
Fish : Pair of Silver Angels, 8 Cardinal Tetras, 8 Rummynose Tetras, 5 Otos, 2 Cory Julii, 2 Zebra Loach.
Plants : Various Echinodorus, Crypt, Giant Red Vallis, Rotala Indica, Alternanthera Rosaefolia, Limnophila Sessiflora, Eleocharis Acicularis, Nymphaea japonica.
Water : Nitrates <10mg/l, pH 6.7, GH 6, KH 3, Phosphate undetectable, CO2 25 mg/l, Water change 20% per week 50:50 ro/tap with Dennerle fertilisers and additives.
Filtration : Juwel internal, Fluval 204 external filled with bio-media and RowaPhos. Outputs directed to avoid co2 loss. Carbon removed for fertiliser use.
Lighting : 1 x 18" 15w T8 Interpet Triton
1 x 24" 18w T8 Interpet Daylight Plus
1 x 24" 18w T8 Arcadia Freshwater
1 x 30" 25w T8 Dennerle Trocal Special-Plant (fantastic lamp!!)
All with reflectors. 10 hour (5 on 4 off 5 on) photo-period
Substrate : Fine (1 - 3mm) inert gravel with laterite mix.
25W Rena-Cor heater cable, comes on with lights.
CO2 : 2 x Nutrafin Natural Plant System units using supermarket yeast and bi-carb.