?s - CaribSea Eco Complete Planted Substrate

Here's a Dwarf.
That's what I thought you meant. There's no way one of those can go in a 5 gallon tank, I'm afraid.
I agree with @Essjay , this fish in post #16 requires a small group, no less than 3 or 4 in a 30-inch/75 cm length aquarium, but in larger tanks the group size can be increased; this fish shoals in large numbers in its habitat.
If it’s the eco complete that is wet inside the bag, I don’t think you are supposed to rinse it. I didn’t rinse the bag I put in my 75 gallon. It’s under a thick layer of sand tho. So I didn’t have any clouding. It will also raise your ph a notch or two
If it’s the eco complete that is wet inside the bag, I don’t think you are supposed to rinse it. I didn’t rinse the bag I put in my 75 gallon. It’s under a thick layer of sand tho. So I didn’t have any clouding. It will also raise your ph a notch or two
That's what I thought you meant. There's no way one of those can go in a 5 gallon tank, I'm afraid.
I would like to correct you there. There is no way you can keep one of those safely with its best intentions in mind. HOWEVER, I have been able to keep one of those for over 3 years in a 10 gallon, and 2 years in a 5 gallon. They were still alive when we gave away the tanks.

FYI: This was years ago, before I started doing research and learn about cycling and tank size and whatnot. And this is in no way saying that you can put a synodontis in a 5 gallon and I recommend you absolutely don't, I'm just saying that it has been done and the fish did not die under my watch.

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