Oscar is floating up, can’t stay under water


New Member
Sep 10, 2020
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Cape Coral
So one of my oscars can’t swim down. Every time she tries to, she just floats back up. The first thing I did was check the water parameters and everything thing is fine, so it’s not that. I don’t know if she has swim bladder disease? Or if she’s full of air or food? I’m not sure what to do because I’ve been fasting her and attempting to give her peas and she won’t eat them. Also, I noticed her stomach is protruding on both her sides. I tried to get a picture of it but you can’t really see it too much. Any ideas of what’s wrong with her and how to fix it?

The last picture is to show she’s floating out of the water.


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She looks like she is lying on her side, once a fish loses the ability to stay up right there is usually nothing you can do for them.
Do you have an idea on how I can get her to eat them? I’ve been trying and she wants nothing to do with them lol
soak in garlic? idk fish like garlic
She looks like she is lying on her side, once a fish loses the ability to stay up right there is usually nothing you can do for them.
i guess itiwhetu is right
got any normal pictures showing the whole fish from the side, front and back?
how long has the fish been fat for?
how long since it last ate anything?
what does its poop look like?
I don't know if this will help or not but I once had a large goldfish that leapt from the tank I I found on my bedroom floor still alive. I put him back in the tank but had issues trying to be upright. I put him between two fingers and gently moved him through the water as if he was swimming and (in my mind) getting water through his gills. After about 40 minutes of this treatment, he was alright. Had the same thing happen with one of my large pond koi this past summer while we had them in bins while we were cleaning their pond....worked on it too. Hope it helps your Oscar.

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