This is the problem with "common names," one never knows what actual species is involved. Aphyocharax anisitsi is the species commonly called bloodfin, and glass bloodfin--but again, these common names may not have any relevance depending upon the person using them and the species to which that person is referring. The owner of a local store once told me she made common names up to better describe some fish; try to sort that mess out.
Thee is another "bloodfin," Aphyocharax rathbuni, which is sometimes referred to as the green fire tetra and redflank bloodfin tetra...just to confuse everyone even more.
Chances are the fish offered as "glass bloodfins" are the same as "bloodfins" but no guarantee. As k them if the scientific name is on the invoice they have from their suppier; I always do this if there is any doubt as to the species. With the scientific name, you know what you are likely getting, assuming the supplier is accurate.