Tonic salt


Oct 5, 2021
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New Zealand
I have added tonic salt to my tank a few times. I have a stressed fish will the tonic salt help him?
I'm also not sure whether to add it to the tank water or the new water?
i dont think adding stuff to your tank will help fish stress too much
you add it to new water and change new water in i think

the best cure for stress is to turn off the lights, and let the fish naturally get used to the environment
there is only need for salt when there are diseases
i dont think adding stuff to your tank will help fish stress too much
you add it to new water and change new water in i think

the best cure for stress is to turn off the lights, and let the fish naturally get used to the environment
there is only need for salt when there are diseases
Thanks I've turned off the lights. I will be taking the bullying danios to to lfs tomorrow.
Thanks I've turned off the lights. I will be taking the bullying danios to to lfs tomorrow.
cool, what other fish do you have, maybe danios are too aggressive
Tonic salt, by which I assume you mean ordinary aquarium or sea salt sodium chloride (not table salt), will not do anything beneficial unless it is "the" treatment for something specific. Otherwise, it will stress out fish even more and may kill them. Salt (sodium chloride) significantly impacts the physiology of freshwater fish.

What exactly is the issue with the "stressed" fish?
Tonic salt, by which I assume you mean ordinary aquarium or sea salt sodium chloride (not table salt), will not do anything beneficial unless it is "the" treatment for something specific. Otherwise, it will stress out fish even more and may kill them. Salt (sodium chloride) significantly impacts the physiology of freshwater fish.

What exactly is the issue with the "stressed" fish?
I have noticed that there is one fish that that gets skinny, hides, stops eating and then eventually dies. Everytime one fish dies it will happen again and another fish will get skinny, hide, stop eating and die and this pattern has been going on for ages.
I will mention @Colin_T who will likely have better advice than I could possibly give on something like this. He may recommend the salt, or may not, depending what the issue seems to be to him. My initial point was simply that using salt if it is not the best treatment for some specific issue is more harm than good.
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I have noticed that there is one fish that that gets skinny, hides, stops eating and then eventually dies. Everytime one fish dies it will happen again and another fish will get skinny, hide, stop eating and die and this pattern has been going on for ages.
I will mention @Colin who will likely have better advice than I could possibly give on something like this. He may recommend the salt, or may not, depending what the issue seems to be to him. My initial point was simply that using salt if it is not the best treatment for some specific issue is more harm than good.
you mean @Colin_T ?
that might be wasting disease or parasites idk colin will know more about this
pictures and video of the fish?
history of the tank and fish?
water quality (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)?
pictures and video of the fish?
history of the tank and fish?
water quality (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)?
From what I can tell

pH 7.4
Ammonia 0-0.5ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 10ppm

I bought the 70 l tank in 2020 September. I transfered the danios and minnows from the 20l cold water tank. Kept as cold water for months. One by one the minnows died off. Same symptoms. Losing weight. Skinny. Hiding not eating. Then I changed from a cold water to warm water. Bought some more danios, warm water variety and some guppies and platys. Then one guppy which was a bit weak when I got it and I think got tail nipped so I treated with tonic salt. That guppy was sick for a few months and eventually stopped eating and got skinny and died. Then the second guppy jumped out of the water and landed on the floor and then it got skinny stopped eating and died. That was a very strong guppy and I don't know whether it was affected by the floor incident or has died as the same as all the other fish. So I was left with the 4 giant danios, about 9 smaller danios and platys. Then I noticed yesterday that the same thing has been happening to the minnows. Getting skinny stomach, it's like fading away, not swimming, not eating, staying away from the other fish so not to get chased.
The giant danios have survived all through this even thrived. I have seen in particular one giant danios chasing the fish around incessantly but I cannot single it out and remove it.
I have treated once with praziquantel because in mid last year while the minnows were still there I was trying not to lose them all.
I have lots of plants, change 50%water every two week, keep light on 6hours a day.

I will try to post some photos
Now it looks like the giant danio is very sick as well. Here are some photos


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