Plant suggestions for a low light, cold water axie tank?


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Mar 8, 2021
Reaction score
Eastern US
Anyone have any suggestions for plants that would do well in a low light, cold water tank? I’ve got amazon swords, Anubia, Java fern. I am looking for rooted and floating plants. I am looking at anacharis, would this do well?
Anyone have any suggestions for plants that would do well in a low light, cold water tank? I’ve got amazon swords, Anubia, Java fern. I am looking for rooted and floating plants. I am looking at anacharis, would this do well?
anacharis would do well as rooted and floating but looks better to me as rooted
how low is the light? i have some flaoter reccomendations but not sure excactly how low it is
anacharis would do well as rooted and floating but looks better to me as rooted
how low is the light? i have some flaoter reccomendations but not sure excactly how low it is
Very low light. I don’t have a light on the tank at all actually, but sometimes I open my window so it gets very indirect sunlight. The water is not cloudy, it is just a reflection. Ignore my basket of craft supplies and the closet door. I’m too lazy to shut it.
Very low light. I don’t have a light on the tank at all actually, but sometimes I open my window so it gets very indirect sunlight. The water is not cloudy, it is just a reflection. Ignore my basket of craft supplies and the closet door. I’m too lazy to shut it.View attachment 149433
make sure to give it indirect light, anacharis will melt if you do not give it light it happened to me
anacharis would do well as rooted and floating but looks better to me as rooted
how low is the light? i have some flaoter reccomendations but not sure excactly how low it is
I’m interested in this too. I have Java ferns doing kinda ok in one of my two axies tanks. The other has silk vines from Exo Terra recommended by @itiwhetu . Very nice soft realistic fakes
that's everyone who has duckweed
i sell duckweed online cos i have TOO MUCH aaaaaaaaaa
That clogged the filters in my goldfish tank. Maybe I should have fenced it in with a tubed loop like Bruce L.- J does?
Very low light. I don’t have a light on the tank at all actually, but sometimes I open my window so it gets very indirect sunlight. The water is not cloudy, it is just a reflection. Ignore my basket of craft supplies and the closet door. I’m too lazy to shut it.View attachment 149433
Your room appears to have far more ambient light than my axie room, so perhaps you’ll do better with live plants. Mine are in a darkened room, kept 60-65F.
Anyone have any suggestions for plants that would do well in a low light, cold water tank? I’ve got amazon swords, Anubia, Java fern. I am looking for rooted and floating plants. I am looking at anacharis, would this do well
use 4 or 3 bendy plastic straws to make a square or circle, a lot cheaper
Love that idea! Not to mention my straws are in bright neon colors, ever so much prettier than that ugly old tubing.

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